Well...it's about time! I have had these in my thoughts and sketchbooks for ages it seems. I love spring. I love the smell of the first rain after a hard winter, the buzzing of the bees, a few colorful blossoms (I live in Wyoming, that's about all we get) and stepping outside each day to water all my pretty flowers and trees. And that season has been out the door for a few months and there is that feeling of fall in the air. We have already had a frosty morning that wilted some of my too few flowers. Darn! So before I started on Christmas projects I thought I would revisit that short sweet season of spring.
HNH41 Umbrella
HNH42 Honey Bee
HNH43 Blossom
HNH44 Watering Can
And a closeup! Many times my pattern covers don't quite show the cute buttons.